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Found treasure at Narragansett Town Beach with Minelab Metal Detector

Robert Sullivan has been searching for metallic treasures on Narragansett Town Beach for the past 25 years. During that span, the Wakefield resident has enjoyed no shortage of interesting finds buried deep below the beach’s sands and waterline, from skeleton keys of passing ships to sealing rings used to secure correspondence in the 19th century. While he has kept, cleaned and publicly displayed his many discoveries, Sullivan is hoping an item he recently dug up will make its way back to its rightful owner.

“I was out on Narragansett Beach detecting two weeks ago and was approached by a man who told me that his brother had lost his wedding ring the day before playing football in the shallow water near the stairs at the south end of the beach,” recounted Sullivan. “An hour or so later, I found a ring right in the area that he said the ring had been lost.”

Using a Minelab metal detector and spurred on by the stranger’s account of the missing memento, along with the solid tone of his device that indicates the presence of a metallic object, Sullivan found the unknown party’s wedding ring in knee-deep water parallel to Narragansett Town Beach’s South Pavilion staircase on Sunday, Sept. 22 at approximately 5 p.m. The ring is silver, with a marble strip in the center. On the ring’s inside, an inscription reads “I [heart] you MJM 2011.”  

According to Sullivan, about an hour had passed between him being approached and his finding of the wedding ring, and most had cleared off the beach by that time. Sullivan looked for the man who told him about the missing trinket but was unsuccessful. Still, wanting to make sure the ring got back to where it belonged, Sullivan posted an ad in Craigslist’s lost and found section detailing the find. After two weeks, there were no takers.

Sullivan believes the rightful owners cannot be far. 

“I think that they’re local people,” he said. “It was his brother’s ring, and he had lost it the day before, and this guy, his brother, was there the following day spending the day at the beach. It seems they would be local.” 

Sullivan said the wedding ring was far from his first unusual discovery at Narragansett Town Beach. The Wakefield resident has exhibited many of his finds for the public in three separate shows with the Narragansett Historical Society. 

Anyone with information about the ring, or anyone who can claim the wedding token as their own, is asked to contact Sullivan via email at


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